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Weekly update, 2nd September 2013

07th Sep, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Productive discussions this week with a potential inward investor in the energy sector. It was particularly encouraging to be able to demonstrate the joined-up approach we take to economic opportunity, with colleagues from HIE, Dounreay, Highland Council, North Highland College, HIAL, ports and businesses all involved in supporting roles. Consultation events were […]

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Weekly update, 26th August

30th Aug, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Ltd (part of the SSE Group) is developing proposals for a new 132kilovolt overhead line between the proposed new Thurso South substation at Geiselittle and a new substation at Phillips Mains near Mey. It has recently published a consultation document on the proposals, which can be viewed at […]

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Weekly update, 23rd August

23rd Aug, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Members of the Partnership met this week with representatives of Global Energy Group and the Nigg Skills Academy as we continue to develop proposals to ensure that our area workforce is prepared to take advantage of future employment opportunities. Whilst the Caithness Chamber of Commerce-led “Make The Right Connections” programme has been […]

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Weekly update, 16th August

16th Aug, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Scrabster Harbour’s new pier continues to attract business from the energy sector. Following usage of the pier by large oil support vessels the most recent use was by Orkney renewables company Scotrenewables Tidal Power Ltd, whose prototype tidal device was taken out of the water at Scrabster for scheduled operations and maintenance […]

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Weekly update, 9th August

09th Aug, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: I met this week with representatives of Asco, the Aberdeen-based logistics company that took over Scrabster Port Services last year. Asco are currently looking at further business development opportunities in Caithness, so it was good to discuss current CNSRP activities and to highlight opportunities where CNSRP partners could provide help. To mark […]

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John O’Groat Journal contribution, 19th July 2013

18th Jul, 2013

In 2005/06 the UKAEA and Highlands and Islands Enterprise jointly commissioned a report into the economic impact of Dounreay on the area’s economy. The report highlighted the extent to which dependence on Dounreay-related work continued to be important to the area’s economy. It also recommended that as decommissioning progressed a more concerted and coordinated effort […]

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Weekly update, 8th July 2013

12th Jul, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: A seminar this week highlighted the opportunities for the Highlands and Islands in the oil & gas industry, as outlined by noted petroleum economist Professor Alex Kemp in his keynote presentation. I was able to help discuss particular actions that will help realise some of these significant opportunities in our area. Also […]

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Weekly Update, 27th May 2013

31st May, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: As reported last week I worked with partners from Highland Council, HIE, Energy North and Caithness Chamber to arrange a visit from representatives from National Grid. This week Mike Calviou and John Taylor from National Grid visited the area and met with a number of organisations, including North Highland College, Subsea 7, […]

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Weekly update, 20th May 2013

24th May, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Encouraging news this week as NorSea Group signs its first strategic working partnership agreement since announcing last month its intention to develop a supply base at Scrabster Harbour. The agreement is with Caithness firm Hugh Simpson (Contractors) Ltd, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its establishment next year. A number […]

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Weekly update, 6th May 2013

10th May, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Ignis Wick Ltd, the company behind the combined heat and power scheme in Wick, have announced a further expansion of the district heating system with the connection later this month of the Wick Assembly Rooms. This will allow the north’s largest public performance venue to be heated entirely from renewable energy, enabling […]

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