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Weekly Update, 10th May

17th May, 2010

I took part in the HITRANS forum in Thurso this week. HITRANS is the regional transport authority, and there were presentations on a HITRANS study on Transport Infrastructure for Renewable Energy, as well as one on options for development of the A9 around Berridale Braes. The latter subject was particularly topical following the accident at […]

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Weekly Update, 12th April 2010

16th Apr, 2010

I took part in North Highland College’s Strategic Planning day, facilitating one of the workshop sessions. It was very useful to get greater insight into future college plans as they might impact on the regeneration programme, and also good to be able to discuss some local opportunities that might be available from the continuing development […]

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Weekly Update, 6th April 2010

12th Apr, 2010

I met with DSRL’s socio-economic team to discuss workforce transition plans. I have also been discussing this with NDA’s socio-economic manager, who is looking at models of workforce transition elsewhere in the NDA estate. I would like to encourage a transition programme that includes the Dounreay supply chain as well as direct DSRL staff, and […]

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Weekly Update, 22nd March 2010

30th Mar, 2010

I brought together a small group of local representatives to discuss how best to bring together a “pipeline” of projects from within our regeneration programme, so that we can make better use of funding opportunities. This is important as we seek to deliver tangible economic benefits  I also attended a meeting called by the Chamber […]

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Weekly Update, 15th March

19th Mar, 2010

I hosted a meeting this week with Dennis Malone, Chief Executive of the Highlands & Islands Partnership Programme. HIPP is the body tasked with managing the two European Structural Funds Programmes for the Highlands & Islands. These two Programmes (ERDF and ESF) have a combined value of €174 million and the Programmes last from 2007-2013. […]

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Weekly Update, 8th March 2010

12th Mar, 2010

Met with senior Highland Council colleagues to discuss a range of Partnership issues, including preparation for the Partnership’s Advisory Board on 18th March and the regeneration programme we hope discuss with Advisory Board members. Also considered logistics for the Crown Estate announcement event in Wick on 16th March. I attended the second of the two […]

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Weekly Update, 1st march 2010

08th Mar, 2010

Met with Inward Investment manager Fiona Macpherson, Trudy Morris (Chamber of Commerce) and Rachel Skene (Tourism) to agree our joint positions on inward investment and capability materials. The Chamber and North Highland Tourism will work with us on capability materials for use at Visitscotland Expo in April, and we continue to work up materials on […]

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Weekly Update, 22nd February 2010

01st Mar, 2010

The Partnership ran a workshop this week focusing on skills issues. The results of the Caithness & North Sutherland Skills Audit were presented, and DSRL’s Ken Nicol presented a view on workforce transition, followed by new North Highland College Principal Gordon Jenkins outlining opportunities being pursued by the College. As an outcome from the meeting […]

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Weekly Update, 15th February 2010

22nd Feb, 2010

I chaired a meeting of the Partnership’s Senior Officers’ Group, at which the main discussion focussed on ensuring the version of the programme which we are about to publish is as robust as we can make it. We agreed that version 1 of the programme would still show some gaps in terms of the detailed […]

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Weekly Update, 8th February 2010

15th Feb, 2010

Working with colleagues at The Crown Estate, HIE and Highland Council as we move closer to the announcement of Pentland Firth Round One marine energy leases. I hope that a date for the announcement will be agreed in the coming week and that there will be an announcement event in Caithness.  I brought together colleagues from […]

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