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Weekly Update, 28th February 2011

07th Mar, 2011

Programme activities: Energy: I continue to discuss ways in which the area’s assets can be maximised in relation to the marine energy sector. This week discussions have taken place with Highland Council and HIE staff regarding how we might approach Government to make the case for some form of enterprise zone status for the area, […]

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Weekly Update, 21st February 2011

28th Feb, 2011

I participated in the second round of meetings with the two consortia bidding to become the next PBO at Dounreay. The meeting (facilitated by the NDA) was chaired by John Thurso MP, and allowed members of both bid teams to pass on some thoughts following our first set of meetings back in November, at which […]

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Weekly Update, 14th February 2011

18th Feb, 2011

Programme activities: Now that we have agreed our priorities for the 2011-2014 period, work continues to implement the programme of delivery activities. This week I chaired the monthly meeting of the Partnership’s Delivery Group, at which colleagues from HIE, Highland Council, DSRL and Caithness Chamber reported on progress with our two priority areas of energy […]

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Weekly Update, 7th February 2011

14th Feb, 2011

I brought together several local organisations currently working in the energy and renewable energy sector, along with Caithness Chamber of Commerce,  to discuss the relative value of a more coherent local voice in the energy sector. Recent local comments on the effective roles played by Orkney Renewable Energy Forum and Shetland Renewable Energy Forum prompted […]

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Weekly Update, 6th December 2010

13th Dec, 2010

Working this week with colleagues from DSRL to align the DSRL Socio-Economic Plan for 2011/12 with the wider priorities of the Caithness & North Sutherland Action Plan 2011-2014. The DSRL Plan includes priorities for the Dounreay site’s Socio-economic budget which, although funded through the NDA, is separate from the UK-wide NDA Socio-economic Fund. Alignment of […]

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Weekly Update, 29th November 2010

03rd Dec, 2010

The adverse weather conditions have disrupted activities this week. The CNSRP Executive Board was due to meet for its quarterly meeting today, but travel chaos further south has forced its postponement. I have now arranged an alternative date before Christmas. Also this week a meeting with North Highland College (retail skills initiative), a Tourism Workshop […]

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Weekly Update, 15th November 2010

22nd Nov, 2010

The Partnership’s Advisory Board met this week at T3UK. There were two update presentations on key current activities. The first was from Sandy Mackie of Scrabster Harbour Trust on progress with the Trust’s redevelopment plans for Scrabster harbour. This was welcomed by everyone, and there was real hope that the funding package would be finalised […]

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Weekly Update 8th November 2010

11th Nov, 2010

I was involved in both of the two Wave and Tidal Developer Days held in Thurso this week. Over 400 people came to the Pentland Hotel during Tuesday and Wednesday to meet the Pentland Firth Round 1 companies, as well as staff from Crown Estate, Marine Scotland, SNH, National Grid and Scottish & Southern Energy. […]

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Weekly Update, 1st November 2010

05th Nov, 2010

This week’s main focus has been finalising a draft of the Caithness & North Sutherland Action Plan 2011-2014 so that it can go forward to the Partnership’s Advisory Board at its November meeting. The Action Plan has been focused down considerably, and revolves around the creation of sustainable employment opportunities through support from CNSRP partner […]

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Weekly Update, 25th October 2010

01st Nov, 2010

The Partnership’s Delivery Group met this week to review current activities associated with the regeneration programme of work. The announcement of HIE’s successful bid to the UK Government for a superfast broadband pilot was welcomed, and the small CNSRP Connectivity group will continue to work with HIE staff as the pilot proposals are developed further. […]

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