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Weekly update, 26th August

30th Aug, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Ltd (part of the SSE Group) is developing proposals for a new 132kilovolt overhead line between the proposed new Thurso South substation at Geiselittle and a new substation at Phillips Mains near Mey. It has recently published a consultation document on the proposals, which can be viewed at […]

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Weekly update, 16th August

16th Aug, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Scrabster Harbour’s new pier continues to attract business from the energy sector. Following usage of the pier by large oil support vessels the most recent use was by Orkney renewables company Scotrenewables Tidal Power Ltd, whose prototype tidal device was taken out of the water at Scrabster for scheduled operations and maintenance […]

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John O’Groat Journal contribution, 19th July 2013

18th Jul, 2013

In 2005/06 the UKAEA and Highlands and Islands Enterprise jointly commissioned a report into the economic impact of Dounreay on the area’s economy. The report highlighted the extent to which dependence on Dounreay-related work continued to be important to the area’s economy. It also recommended that as decommissioning progressed a more concerted and coordinated effort […]

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Weekly Update, 24th June 2013

01st Jul, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Arise UK have been running information sessions in the area this week, to raise awareness of opportunities for people to carry out a range of business support functions for companies in a range of sectors (financial services, hospitality, retail etc) whilst based in their own homes. A number of people attended the […]

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Weekly Update, 17th June 2013

25th Jun, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: The Highland Council’s North Planning Applications Committee this week agreed not to raise any objections to Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd (BOWL)’s application to Marine Scotland to build up to 277 turbines at a site in the Moray Firth. As reported last week this was subject to a number of conditions, including one […]

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Weekly Update, 10th June 2013

19th Jun, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: The Highland Council’s North Planning Applications Committee will next week consider a report on the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd’s application to Marine Scotland to build at a site in the Moray Firth. Members of the committee will be asked to endorse the recommendation that the Council raises no objection to the development, […]

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Weekly update, 3rd June 2013

07th Jun, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd, the partnership behind the planned offshore windfarm in the Moray Firth near the coast of Caithness and East Sutherland, has added some further data to its application to Marine Scotland for consent to build its development. If consented this could see up to 277 turbines sites in the […]

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Weekly Update, 27th May 2013

31st May, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: As reported last week I worked with partners from Highland Council, HIE, Energy North and Caithness Chamber to arrange a visit from representatives from National Grid. This week Mike Calviou and John Taylor from National Grid visited the area and met with a number of organisations, including North Highland College, Subsea 7, […]

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Weekly update, 20th May 2013

24th May, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Encouraging news this week as NorSea Group signs its first strategic working partnership agreement since announcing last month its intention to develop a supply base at Scrabster Harbour. The agreement is with Caithness firm Hugh Simpson (Contractors) Ltd, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its establishment next year. A number […]

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Weekly Update, 13th May 2013

17th May, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: I met this week with colleagues from HIE, Highland Council, Environmental Research Institute, Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd and business representatives to discuss the evolving concept of an “International Marine Energy Delivery (IMED)” campus in Caithness. It was clear from the meeting that there is a considerable amount of work currently being undertaken […]

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