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Weekly update, 3rd February 2014

07th Feb, 2014

Energy & Business Services: Pelamis Wave Power will be undertaking pre-planning application consultation events in the north next month as the company prepares to submit application to build a wave site at Farr Point in North Sutherland. Events will be held in Bettyhill, Strathy, Durness and Thurso from 24th to 26th March. More details to […]

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Weekly update, 27th January 2014

31st Jan, 2014

Energy & Business Services: Scottish Renewables’ “Offshore Wind 2014” Conference and Exhibition took place in Aberdeen this week. The keynote speech was from Fergus Ewing MSP, the Scottish Government’s Energy, Enterprise and Tourism Minister. In his speech Mr Ewing confirmed that decisions on applications from offshore wind developers Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd and Beatrice Offshore […]

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Weekly Update, 20th January 2014

24th Jan, 2014

Energy & Business Services: HIE colleagues have returned to Aberdeen this week for a further series of meetings with companies and agencies. As previously reported interest in Caithness as a place from which to do business is strong, with new companies showing interest in energy sector opportunities. Tourism, Food & Drink: I brought colleagues from […]

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Weekly update, 13th January 2014

17th Jan, 2014

Energy & Business Services: There is further evidence of progress with the programme of upgrades to the electricity transmission network in the north with this week’s announcement that Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission has received final planning consent from Scottish Government for the reinforcement of the electricity transmission network between Caithness and Moray. This will involve […]

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Weekly update, 6th January 2014

10th Jan, 2014

Energy & Business Services: I met today (Friday) with representatives from Financial & Business Services teams in HIE and Scottish Development International to discuss opportunities to attract new business to this area. We have companies in the north providing excellent business process operations (eg Escape Technologies, Navertech, Aon Hewitt, BT, the Dental Plan) and we […]

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CNSRP Partners get behind “superfast” broadband rollout

06th Jan, 2014

At its recent meeting the Advisory Board of the Caithness & North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership discussed progress with the rollout of Next Generation (“superfast”) Broadband to Caithness & North Sutherland. Following recent discussions with Highlands and Islands Enterprise about timescales for the programme, members broadly welcomed the news that BT has started on work that […]

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Weekly update, 16th December

20th Dec, 2013

Energy & Business Services: As apprentices on the North Highland College engineering programme go out into work placements during Year 2 of their course, the attached video highlights student views on the course and the lessons they have learned to date from their experiences in the workplace. Tourism, Food & Drink: Caithness Horizons in […]

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Weekly update, 9th December

13th Dec, 2013

Energy & Business Services: Partnership representatives held a business breakfast event in Aberdeen this week. HIE’s Roy Kirk and June Love, together with Stephen Sutherland (JGC Engineering Services), Willie Watt (Subsea 7) and Debbie Gray (North Highland College), met a group of business leaders to promote the area as an attractive place from which to […]

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Weekly update, 2nd December

06th Dec, 2013

Energy & Business Services: Partnership representatives were once again in Aberdeen this week. A CNSRP-sponsored business influencers’ event was held in association with the Scottish Council for Development & Industry (SCDI), and attracted around 70 attendees, with key guest speaker Fergus Ewing MSP, the Scottish Government Minister for Energy, Enterprise & Tourism. The Minster kindly […]

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Weekly update, 25th November

29th Nov, 2013

Enabling Activities: Today (Friday) was the AGM of the North Highland Regeneration Fund, the loan fund established with support from the NDA. Afterwards guest speakers Rob Arthur of Thurso Cinema and Andrew Mackay of Norseman and Castletown Hotels talked about what inspired them to get involved in business. The event finished with a presentation to […]

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