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John O’Groat Journal contribution, 19th July 2013

18th Jul, 2013

In 2005/06 the UKAEA and Highlands and Islands Enterprise jointly commissioned a report into the economic impact of Dounreay on the area’s economy. The report highlighted the extent to which dependence on Dounreay-related work continued to be important to the area’s economy. It also recommended that as decommissioning progressed a more concerted and coordinated effort […]

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Weekly update, 1st July 2013

05th Jul, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: CNSRP partners identified support for Wick Harbour Authority’s efforts to attract new business from offshore renewables as a priority, and we have been working with WHA to help deliver the first phase of this work. So it is particularly pleasing this week to see the first fruits of this joint effort, as […]

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Weekly update, 20th May 2013

24th May, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: Encouraging news this week as NorSea Group signs its first strategic working partnership agreement since announcing last month its intention to develop a supply base at Scrabster Harbour. The agreement is with Caithness firm Hugh Simpson (Contractors) Ltd, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its establishment next year. A number […]

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Weekly update, 29th April 2013

03rd May, 2013

Energy/ Business Services: As we continue to see positive interest in Caithness from the energy sector, I met this week with representatives from Highlands & Islands Airports Ltd, HIE and Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd to discuss feedback from recent contact and to agree the key messages we will continue to take to companies in the […]

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Weekly update, 25th March 2013

28th Mar, 2013

Enabling Activities: HIE has announced the completion of the procurement of the major contract to roll out next generation broadband across the Highlands & Islands. The £146M contract was won by BT and was made possible with support from BDUK and Scottish Government. It offers a genuinely transformational opportunity for the area to compete on […]

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Weekly update, 19th November

25th Nov, 2012

Energy: A reminder that next Wednesday (28th November) there will be an opportunity for members of the public to catch up with current activities in the wave and tidal sector when the Pentland Firth & Orkney Waters Information Day is held in the Pentland Hotel, Thurso. The event will be open from 2pm until 8pm, […]

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Weekly update, 17th September 2012

22nd Sep, 2012

Energy: Scottish Renewables’ Marine Conference and Exhibition took place in Inverness this week, with over 250 delegates and over 40 exhibitors including Kongsberg Maritime, Caithness Renewables and Invest Caithness. To coincide with the Conference Scottish Renewables published data indicating that the costs of connecting to the National Grid for Caithness-based Pentland Firth wave and tidal […]

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Weekly update, 3rd September 2012

07th Sep, 2012

Energy: A prospective inward investor in the energy sector visited the area this week, and I was invited by colleagues at HIE to take part in discussions with representatives on the area’s assets and business infrastructure. As previously reported Dounreay’s June Love has been seconded on a part-time basis to HIE to support the ongoing […]

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Weekly update, 27th August 2012

01st Sep, 2012

Energy: The Scottish Government this week announced the four companies who will compete for the Saltire Prize. The companies are Aquamarine Power, Pelamis Wave Power, Scottish Power Renewables and Meygen.  The £10 million Prize will be won “by the team that achieves the greatest volume of electrical output in Scottish waters over the minimum hurdle […]

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Weekly update, 9th July 2012

13th Jul, 2012

Tourism: Natural Retreats, the operators of the new development at John O’Groats, confirmed in this week’s local press the good news that the high-quality self-catering lodges at its site should be completed by early August, with already encouraging levels of interest. A shop called the Storehouse will also open in August, selling produce and goods […]

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