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Weekly update, 1st February

05th Feb, 2016

Energy & Business Services: Good to meet this week with June Love and the contractor  who is helping CNSRP partner Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) with some work on cost comparison in the oil & gas sector. The work, which is supported by Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd, is also linked to work being taken forward […]

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Weekly update, 25th January 2016

29th Jan, 2016

Energy & Business Services: Good to see Derek Campbell of Denchi Power heading out to take part in a programme sponsored by CNSRP partner HIE with the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The MIT Entrepreneurship Development Programme is week long, high level, intensive executive education course teaching skills for high impact entrepreneurship. Sharing premises […]

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Weekly update, 11th January 2016

22nd Jan, 2016

Energy & Business Services: Dounreay Trì Limited is proposing to demonstrate a floating offshore wind farm approximately 6 km NW of Dounreay. The proposal consists of two turbines, located on a single semi-submersible floating platform, with an installed capacity of between 8 to 16 megawatts (MW). It is proposed that a single export cable will […]

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Weekly update, 11th January 2016

15th Jan, 2016

Energy & Business Services: Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd and independent energy company Danske Commodities have signed a 15-year power purchase agreement for the latter to manage 50% of the output from the Beatrice development to be built off the Caithness coast. As previously reported, CNSRP partners have been involved in helping Wick Harbour Authority as […]

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Weekly update, 4th January 2016

08th Jan, 2016

Energy & Business Services: One of the key elements in transmitting power from renewables in the north – the Beauly-Denny electricity power line – went into operation just before Christmas. For an aerial look at the power line see As the MeyGen tidal project enters a crucial year Atlantis Resources – the owner of […]

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Weekly update, 14th December 2015

18th Dec, 2015

Energy & Business Services: Further movement in the tidal energy sector in Scotland this week, with the news that Atlantis Resources Ltd has reached an agreement with Scottish Power Renewables to purchase two of SPR’s tidal projects in Scotland. The projects are a 10MW proposal for the Sound of Islay and a 100MW project at […]

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CNSRP Advisory Board – December 2015 summary

08th Dec, 2015

Summary of Meeting – jobs and infrastructure progressing Companies in the north continue to invest in business growth, and key infrastructure investments continue to make progress. That was the view from members of the Advisory Board to the Caithness & North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership (CNSRP) when they met last week. Members heard from Scottish Hydro […]

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Weekly update, 30th November

04th Dec, 2015

Energy & Business Services: Atlantis Resources Ltd, owners of the MeyGen project in the Pentland Firth, have just announced a newly-created post of Director of Power Generation. The postholder, Stephen Ward, will play a key role in the construction of MeyGen Phase 1A. Enabling Activities: CNSRP partner Highland Council has announced this week that […]

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Weekly update, 17th August

22nd Aug, 2015

Energy & Business Services I was grateful for the chance to meet this week with members of Wick Harbour Authority board and Cavendish Nuclear secondee Shona Kirk to review schedules and progress with the development project that sits on the CNSRP Programme. WHA Chairman Willie Watt confirmed the Board’s gratitude for recent support awarded by […]

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Weekly update, 10th August

14th Aug, 2015

Tourism, Food & Drink There has been further excellent media coverage this week of the North Coast 500 route following triple cycling world record holder Mark Beaumont’s amazing non-stop circumnavigation of the route. We watched him flash past us in Thurso on Tuesday morning on his way to completing the journey in 38 hours! As […]

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