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Weekly update, 3rd April – 5th June

09th Jun, 2017

Following the end of the two recent election periods, congratulations to all our new and returning Highland Councillors, and to our new MP. This is a short message to update you on activities relating to the Caithness & North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership (CNSRP) during the two election periods. Energy & business services: • The offshore […]

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Weekly update, 27th March

31st Mar, 2017

Energy & business services: Following last week’s news that it has received consent from Scottish Government for its proposed Dounreay Tri floating offshore wind project off the north Caithness coast, this week Hexicon has announced a €45 million funding boost which will allow it to begin construction on the project. The offshore construction phase […]

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Weekly update, 13th March 2017

16th Mar, 2017

Energy & business services: • Delighted to see this week’s news that Caithness firm GMR Henderson has been awarded work on the construction programme for the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm project’s Operations & Maintenance base in Wick. The company, whose base is only about 100 metres away from the O&M site on the Wick harbourfront, will […]

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Weekly update, 30th January 2017

03rd Feb, 2017

Energy & business services: • Partners kicked off a piece of work this week to look at short/ medium/ long term opportunities for the north mainland to gain further economic benefit from oil & gas work, particularly focusing on the continuing interest around west of Shetland oil & gas developments, for which locations like Scrabster […]

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Weekly update, 16th January 2017

20th Jan, 2017

Energy & business services: • Following last week’s very welcome news that Highland Council has approved the application to redevelop harbour-side buildings in Wick as an Operations & Maintenance base for the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm (BOWL) project comes the first visualisation of what the restored buildings will look like – for picture see the BOWL […]

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Weekly update, 7th November

11th Nov, 2016

Energy & business services: • The vessel Olympic Ares arrived in the Inner Sound of the Pentland Firth this week to install the first of the turbines for the MeyGen tidal energy project. As previously highlighted here the turbine support structures and ballast blocks were successfully installed during October, bringing welcome work to the area […]

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Weekly update, 31st October

04th Nov, 2016

Enabling activities: • Colleague Andrew Johnston, Director of the Highlands and Islands Science Skills Academy, was in Caithness this week, and it was good to catch up with him to discuss progress with the “Newton Rooms” concept, which has seen a network of facilities established in Norway to give practical, hands-on experiences of learning programmes […]

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Weekly update, 3rd October

08th Oct, 2016

Energy & Business Services: • Further contract awards for the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd (BOWL) project this week, again associated with the construction phase of the project. and the planning application submitted to Highland Council by BOWL is also available to view on the Council’s website at • Good to see that the […]

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Weekly update, 5th September

09th Sep, 2016

Energy & Business Services: • It is good to note that recruitment has now started for staff who will take forward the operations and maintenance of the Beatrice offshore Windfarm Ltd development at Wick, with lead partner SSE advertising the posts of Contract Lead, Asset Engineer and Operations Engineer. These are the first publicly advertised […]

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Weekly update, 29th August

02nd Sep, 2016

Tourism, food & drink: • Following last week’s visit of the “Hebridean Sky” Scrabster harbour welcomed another cruise ship to port this week, with the arrival of the “Pacific Princess” which can carry up to 820 passengers, plus crew. Once again a number of passengers came ashore to visit local attractions, some taking advantage of […]

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