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Weekly update, 26th March 2018

30th Mar, 2018

Energy & Business services: As progress continues with the onshore and offshore construction of the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm, news comes this week that the other offshore wind development in the Moray Firth has seen a change to its consortium of ownership. A 33.4% stake in the Moray East project has been taken by Mitsubishi Corporation […]

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Weekly update, 19th March 2018

23rd Mar, 2018

Energy & Business services: Interesting this week to read news of continuing interest in Floating Offshore Wind on the north cost of Caithness and Sutherland. As I’ve previously mentioned here, the Dounreay Tri project intended to build a Floating Offshore demonstrator project at a site around 6km north of Dounreay, but following that company’s entering […]

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Weekly Update, 12th March

16th Mar, 2018

Energy & Business services: • Crown Estate Scotland has announced that following last September’s Contracts for Difference auction, which demonstrated a sharp fall in the cost of offshore wind electricity, it will now consult industry and government on further leasing rounds for offshore wind. Marine Scotland will lead a planning process to identify potential new […]

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Weekly update, 5th March

09th Mar, 2018

Energy & Business services: An interesting update report in today’s John O’Groat Journal, which highlights that Fraser Well Management has been appointed to carry out work on the “Wick well” oil field off the Caithness coast at Lybster. The field is said to have a significant estimated reserve of oil. Operations are expected to commence […]

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Weekly update, 26th February 2018

02nd Mar, 2018

Energy & Business services: • As I started to say in last week’s update (but didn’t finish!) it was good to see the installations of pontoons in Wick’s Inner Harbour progressing, as part of the construction phase of the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm project. Also the project continues to hit its offshore construction milestones, with the […]

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Weekly update, 19th February

23rd Feb, 2018

Enabling activities: Delighted to report that Norscot Joinery were the winners of this year’s Innovation of the Year award at the annual awards ceremony held this week by Interface. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago the company, based in Bower, worked with CNSRP partner Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Interface to establish a […]

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Weekly update, 12th February

16th Feb, 2018

Enabling activities: Delighted to see the news this week that Ashley Ann Ltd has announced its purchase of the former Caithness Glass premises in Wick, allowing it to further expand its capacity, creating new jobs. The move has been backed by an investment of £190,000 from CNSRP partner Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) Our […]

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Weekly update, 5th February

09th Feb, 2018

Energy & business services: Staff from AGM Batteries were represented at a business breakfast event this week (see communications below), and it is great to see their recent success recognised in today’s John o’ Groat Journal. The company, which is based on Thurso’s Business Park, has been awarded a £1.48 million grant through the UK […]

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Weekly update, 29th January 2018

02nd Feb, 2018

Energy & business services: At this week’s CNSRP Advisory Board meeting (see “communications” below for further details) it was good to hear from Willie Watt of Wick Harbour Authority about further progress with the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm project, with first power from the project now expected to be generated by this summer and onshore […]

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Weekly update, 22nd January 2018

26th Jan, 2018

Energy & business services: The Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme is now open for applications. Financial support through the programme has been designed to encourage innovation of both design and business models. The financial support focuses on low carbon and/or renewable electricity and heat generation solutions and measures which will enable the transition […]

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